Request a Refund, Return
of Goods, or Order Cancellation

General Instructions

Before you start, please ensure that you have read and that you fully understand our Returns, Refunds and Order Cancellations Policy (link opens in a new browser tab or window).

If you require a refund, you wish to return goods to us for replacement, or you wish to cancel the whole or part of an order, complete this form, giving all relevant details.

Some of the details required will be found in your order confirmation email.

As you complete the form, make sure that you read the instructions given in red.

Note: fields that must be completed are indicated using the word “Required”.

Complete the details below

Title of this request
Your Order Details
Please provide details of the original order for which you would like a refund, a return, or which you wish to cancel.
Order date *
Date delivered
Leave blank if order has not been received yet.
Please provide details below of the goods for which you require a refund, which you wish to return for replacement, or for the order you wish to cancel in whole or in part.
If you want a refund for the entire order, you wish to return the entire order for replacement, or you wish to cancel the entire order, state "Entire Order". Otherwise, list each individual item, separated
by commas.
Your Requirements
Please select one of the options below to indicate your requirements. I would like:
* Required
Using the checkboxes below, please choose one or reasons for wanting a refund, wanting to return goods, or for wanting to cancel your order.
* Required
If one or more of the products you wish to return are damaged or otherwise defective, please include a photo or photos that clearly show this. If any of the original packaging is damaged, you should include at least one photo that shows this.
You can upload up to 5 photos, but each one should be 10MB or less in size.
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Note: You must provide additional details below. Failing to do so may require that we contact you later for those details, which will, inevitably, delay processing your refund, return, or cancellation.
Your Personal Details
Now provide your personal details.
* Required

That's it.

Now check that all of the information you have provided is correct and complete and click the checkbox below to indicate that you have done so.
Then click the "Submit Your Request" button.

* Required
Confirm that you have read and fully understand the Returns, Refunds and Order Cancellation Policy (link opens in a new browser tab or window).
* Required

Your request will be dealt with as soon as possible.

Should we need to contact you for further details or for clarification, we will, in the first instance, do so using either the email address or telephone number you provided above. Failing that, we will write to you at the address you provided.

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